...because on our way home from Houghton today I was talking to John and he said "Wow, you ask a lot of questions. I mostly just make up answers because how am I supposed to know all of this random stuff that you ask me about?"
I think I was asking him what a Dryhouse was (we passed the Dryhouse Ruin sign going up Quincy) and he didn't know. I had kind of assumed he would because hello he's lived up here his whole life and passed that sign a million times and I figured he would have asked someone. Or else maybe he would have learned tons about mining (I'm assuming that a dry house has something to do with mining) since it was such a huge part of the yoop. I told him this but I guess he didn't take the Local History class in high school. This was his excuse anyway. About the time he told me I asked a lot of questions was a couple minutes of chatting later when we were driving through Calumet. I asked him why the houses had two house numbers, a 3 digit one and a 5 digit one. He knew the answer to this one, when they got the 911 line/dispatch thing up here the house numbers were too confusing (I agree on that one) so they reassigned each house a 5 digit number but I guess some people were too lazy to take down the other sign. As I was thinking he was all smart because he knew this he told me the "I mostly just make up answers because how am I supposed to know all of this random stuff that you ask me about?" part of the above statement. Huh. So now I don't know if that's the real answer or not but I guess it doesn't matter to me, I just wanted to know what he though the reason was.
I seem to remember my mom saying some form of this statement a couple times. Well, more than a couple times actually. Pretty much every time we were in the van together. I guess I just get chatty in the car? Maybe it has something to do with all the time spent doing nothing so my mind has time to wander (though to tell you the truth my mind wanders whether I'm busy or not). So now Mom, aren't you glad that John has to deal with all my questions now? And yes, I make him listen to my dreams too :)
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