Monday, May 31, 2010

lets talk about funny stories

This one happened a while ago but I was just thinking about it today. One of the first times John, Ryder and I came downstate to visit after Ryder was born I was nursing Rydes in the living room and I had this conversation with one of my youngest brothers...
bro :"What's Ryder doing?"
me "ummm nursing"
bro: "what's that?"
me: "wellll um he's eating."
bro: "is he sucking on your tummy?"
me: ""
bro: "Oh! I know! He's sucking on your tummy because you forgot to bring his food!"
me: dies of hysterical laughter

another one that happened around the same time with the same little bro....
bro: "Is Ryder the same baby that was in your belly?"
me: "yep"
bro: "well how did you get him out?"
me: "well, uh. I, uh, went to the doctors." (I was all proud of myself for thinking up such a good answer at this point)
bro: "but then how did you get him out?"
me: "the doctors helped me?"
bro: "no but how?"
me: "umm go ask mom."
bro: "but Ryder is your baby, how did you get him out?"
me: "uh ask mom. Oh look an airplane!!!"
bro: "where?!?!"
me: "whew"


  1. Glad I wasn't around! I still wouldn't know how to answer that one. We miss you guys already! The kids keep saying it is way to boring here now.

  2. Yeah I guess distraction is the key, hey? We miss you too! If Rydes could talk I'm sure he would tell me he misses the kids entertaining him. At the moment that's what I'm interpretting his screeches to mean :)
